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Dan and Miriam Landa and Jakub Smolík in Driftmania

24. 03. 2011 | Wachauring - Austria

24.-25.3. Wachauring, Austria

On this years Driftmania met three famous persons, concretely Daniel Landa with his wife Miriam and Jakub Smolík. As everyone knows Dan is a big motorrace fan and even also an active motorrace driver. Jakub loves also everything with an engine and so it was clear, that we all will have big fun during driftriding.
After a solid briefing all clients went cheerly but also with respect into the drifting. That was followed by a training of car control on slippery grounds and after that we went directly to the asphalt-surfaced wet part of the circuit. The first runs were indeed shy, but after a while there could be seen very nice drifts. But Dan was not afraid at all and drived directly with legs first. We drifted till the evening hours, and than the whole team withs clients went into to 4* hotel for a excellent dinner and a grandious afterparty.
Next day we went on in drifting since the early morning hours and by everybody could be seen an unbelievable progress. There could be seen drifts, which admired also our trainers. At the end we evalueted both drifting days and the certificates were handed out. Everybody were satisfied by the event and its course. The last thing was to wish everybody a pleasent journey home and to hope to meet each other on a comming event!



FOTOGALERIE: Dan and Miriam Landa and Jakub Smolík in Driftmania

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